A&P Coupon Match Ups 3/29 – 4/4 | $0.30 Country Crock Spread & Much More!

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A+P Coupons

A&P Match Ups 3/29 – 4/4

New to Couponing? Make sure to check out the LRWC Beginners Section

A&P Quick Tips:

  • Double manufacturer coupons up to and including $0.99. Coupons over that amount will be redeemed at face value.
  • Only 4 like paper coupons allowed per product.
  • Internet Printed Coupons: 2 allowed per product. Each coupon can not exceed $5.00 in value. Internet coupons for Free items are not accepted.
  • Zaver eCoupons can be loaded onto your price rewards card can NOT be used with manufacturer coupons.

Full List of Deals: A&P Coupons & Deals for the week of 3/29

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