Starkist Offers $25 Check or $50 Voucher to Purchasers

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starkist tuna settlement

Starkist Tuna Settlement

If you have purchased Starkist tuna in the last five years, you may be eligible for $25 cash or $50 worth of tuna.  Residents of the United States who purchased at least one five-ounce can of the following Starkist  brands between February 19, 2009 and October 31, 2014, are eligible to file a claim:

  • Chunk Light Tuna in Water
  • Chunk Light Tuna in Oil
  • Solid White in Water
  • Solid White in Oil

Note: This settlement affects only cans, not pouches of Starkist tuna.

The claim must be filed by November 20, 2015.   You you can obtain the Claim Form in one of three ways:

By Phone: Call toll-free, 1-888- 643-6376

By Mail: Write to Hendricks v. StarKist Co. Settlement Administrator, P.O. Box 40007, College Station, TX 77842-4007. Be sure to include your name and mailing address.

Online: You can download and submit the Claim Form online on this website.

You do not need receipts for the purchases. Instead, the claim for will ask you to confirm under penalty of perjury the specific StarKist product you purchased, and that the purchase or purchases were made within the Settlement Class Period.

You may choose whether to receive vouchers for tuna or a check.

This settlement ends a lawsuit filed against Starkist, in which a plaintiff “under-filled certain 5 oz. canned tuna products in violation of state and federal law. StarKist denies that it underfilled its products and denies that it did anything wrong.”  The court didn’t rule either way on Hendricks v. StarKist Co.. Instead, this settlement was an agreement that would avoid lengthy litigation for both sides.  

The court has scheduled a final approval hearing for December 17, 2015, after which consumers will receive their settlement.   The settlement provides that StarKist will pay $8 million in cash and $4 million in vouchers redeemable for StarKist tuna products.

If you have additional questions about the lawsuit and its settlement contact [email protected], or write to:

Hendricks v. StarKist Co. Settlement Administrator
P.O. Box 40007
College Station, TX 77842-4007