Amazon 20% Diaper Code Giveaway – 5 Codes!

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You all know I have no little ones, so, I have not need for the Amazon 20% off Diapers Coupon Codes that keep popping up in the magazine.  So, as I have done before,  I’m giving away 2 4 –  20% off coupon code (2 4 separate winners).  It’s a super quick giveaway that will end tomorrow, 1/27,  at 12:00pm EST.  Just leave a comment (any comment will do) below to enter. Good luck!

UPDATE:  We have 4 codes now thanks to readers Ally & Emily for offering their codes!! (thanks so much Ally & Emily!)

Note: Two of the codes expires on 1/31/11 so it would have to be used by then.  If you can not use it that quickly, just note that on your entry below.

And, don’t forget to enter the $100 Home Depot Gift Card Giveaway.  It ends tonight.

152 thoughts on “Amazon 20% Diaper Code Giveaway – 5 Codes!”

  1. Alicia P says:

    LOVE amazon!

  2. David says:

    An comment? Well I have two in diapers at home. A 3 month old and two year old. Thanks.

  3. Danielle says:

    I would love to win one of these codes! 🙂

  4. jessica says:

    me please!

  5. Aileen says:

    Hoping to win for my friend!

  6. Stephanie says:

    Would love one! Thanks!

  7. THERESA N. says:

    I could use one, but would prefer the later coupon, as our $ is tight between now and the end of the month………..thanks!!!!!!! 🙂

  8. Jenny says:

    These coupon codes are a life saver! Thanks for your website!

  9. Sarh says:

    I love your website! I have a 19 month old boy and a baby on the way! We find out on Saturday if its a boy or girl! Would love the coupons! -Sarah 🙂

  10. Kate says:

    Anything that can help to cut our diaper cost would be welcome. Keeping my fingers crossed!

  11. stasia cook says:

    i LOVE amazon diaper deals with the codes!!!!

  12. Melinda says:

    I would love one…thanks so much Cindy!

  13. Tara C says:

    Have a little pooper here! sign me up!

  14. Casey says:

    definitely need one of these!:)

  15. Bridget says:

    I have 2 little ones in diapers so this would be awesome 🙂

  16. Anna says:

    Could use this!

  17. Charlene S. says:

    I buy diapers AND pull-ups from – saves me a ton of money using subscribe & save 🙂

  18. Francine says:

    I have two little ones and would love the code!!

  19. Kristen says:

    love amazon and coupons and you :)!

  20. Dana S, says:

    Subscribe and Save at amazon is great – I don’t need to go to the store for diapers…yay! An extra 20% off would be even better!

  21. Kristina says:

    I love buying diapers from Amazon…..such a great deal. Thanks for doing this giveaway!

  22. Kristie says:

    I love Amazon! The have the best diaper deals!

  23. rita says:

    I would love one of thr codes to stock up on diapers for my baby girl 😀 i would like one that does not expire @ the end of this month if at all possible.. thanks, if not then i can take whats given!

  24. Rachel says:

    count me in too! buying diapers for 2 little ones 🙂

  25. Stephanie says:

    Would love a coupon code! Amazon is the best deal.

  26. Anonymous says:

    need lots of diapers =)

  27. Chung says:

    I have a new born so I really would love to win it.

  28. krista p says:

    Yay- I could use ANY of them!! 🙂

  29. Michelle says:

    need lots of diapers=)

  30. Janice says:

    Thanks for offering, sing me in please.

  31. Rebecca says:

    2 under 2 in diapers; enough said 🙂

  32. Kim says:

    Would love a code. Diapers are so expensive!

  33. Anna says:

    I have a 1 year old and I also try to find great diaper deals for my brothers twin girls (4 weeks old). He works two jobs and doesn’t have time to hunt for coupons. I would LOVE this coupon code to help him out. Thanks so much for the chance 🙂

  34. Nadine says:

    I’d love to win a code!

  35. Shina says:

    Twins in 2 different size diapers…need I say more? Love Amazon, love codes even more!

  36. Cheryl says:

    I love Amazon & their diaper codes.

  37. Lisanne says:

    Would LOVE to win one of these codes! Would happily use the one that expires on the 31st. Thanks!

  38. Roseann says:

    Just realized we are almost out of overnight diapers. And my son seems to be having stomache issues today!! Not good!!

  39. Claire says:

    Thanks Cindy for offering this to us!

  40. Jessica Borrelli says:

    I could use any of these codes! Thanks!

  41. rebecca says:


  42. Kim W. says:

    I could sure put a code to good use. Thanks for the opportunity!

  43. Courtney Cardosa says:

    I would love one since I have a baby in diapers!

  44. Dawn says:

    Diapers are always needed here. Thanks! 🙂

  45. Cindy says:

    Would love the code but a later exp. would be best! Thank You!

  46. Abe says:

    I would love to get 1.

  47. steph says:

    Would love to receive the code have three little ones still in diapers would save on the expensive since I am a stay at home mommy anything helps.

  48. Erin B says:

    I have 2 little ones in diapers and love saving any way possible. Thanks for the giveaway!!

  49. Sara J says:

    Thanks for your hard work! I’d love a coupon!

  50. Ping Li says:

    I have one baby boy on diapers. Thanks for the giveaway.

  51. Toni says:

    What a great giveaway!

  52. Rachel Manley says:

    Yeah! I have three in diapers, and another coming in August! It adds up sooo fast, this would be awesome to win!

  53. Caralee says:

    Oh yes Please! I just recently experienced the joy of getting cheap diapers from Amazon..

  54. Kristine says:

    I could really use this code, money is tight and I still have one in diapers! Thank You for having this giveaway! God bless!

  55. Theresa says:

    Thank you so much for the giveaway. I would love to use the amazon code 🙂

  56. Lindsey says:

    I would love a code:)

  57. Anonymous says:


  58. suzanne says:

    This may be the most exciting promotion running right now. I would love a code

  59. Loretta says:

    I’d like one! and I can use the sooner expiration date, I was just going to order but I can wait till tomorrow to see 🙂

  60. Matt Holloway says:

    Comment for diapers

  61. Amanda says:

    Yeah for cheap diapers!

  62. Sierra A says:

    This is great! I have 2yrs old. Thank you!

  63. theresa says:

    love amazon and love your site. with 3 kids under 6 – i need all the savings i can get!

  64. Molly says:

    I have a newborn and two older children who still wear diapers at night. This would be a great help…thanks so much in advance!

  65. Kristy says:

    A discount on diapers is greatly appreciated! Thanks for the giveaway!

  66. Amanda says:

    Is there anything better than diaper discounts? Crossing my fingers!

  67. jp says:

    hoping to win one 🙂

  68. <3 <3 <3
    The wee one thanks you all.
    <3 pun!

  69. Carrie says:

    I’m always in need of cheap diapers. Thanks Cindy!

  70. Nancy says:

    20%!! Awesome. Although I won’t be able to use before 1/31

  71. Amanda says:

    We could use all the help we can get! Yay for discounts!

  72. Megan says:

    I have a 19 month old and a 3 month old and could really use any extra savings on diapers! We have been buying our diapers from Amazon for a few months and we have saved a ton of money already!

  73. karen says:

    i would love one of those codes:)

  74. Meghan says:

    Amazon has been having great diaper deals!! I’d love to do more!!

  75. I got two kids in diapers and would love this!

  76. Stephanie says:

    This would be awesome! I have 2 little ones in diapers right now so every bit helps.

  77. Lauren says:

    amazon rocks!

  78. Corinne says:

    Love your website! Thanks for helping me save so much money.

  79. Tanya says:

    Would love to win a code for my sister…she has a new little one in the house!!! Thanks so much for the chance!!

  80. Taryn says:

    New baby on the way in April. It’s never too early to stop up 🙂

  81. Kristen Hernandez says:

    I would love to win this Amazon Diaper Coupon Code for 20% off. I’m almost out of diapers & need to order asap!

  82. Kait says:

    Amazon rocks my world and I need diapers. Ok not need but want.

  83. Heather says:

    5 kids 7 and under is all I have to say. We use diapers galore 🙂

  84. Megan says:

    I have 2 under 2 and use ALOT of diapers! I have been using Amazon for diapers for a few months and have already saved a ton! I would LOVE the coupon code!!!

  85. Emily T. says:

    Wow, would LOVE to win! I have one in diapers and another one on the way!

  86. Brett Marie says:

    Would love to win it and would be able to use it promptly. I have 1.5 in dipes and another on the way ;).

  87. Beth says:

    Hubby out of work for 14 months now and just trying to get through it – thanks for offering the codes!

  88. Katie K says:

    I would love to win, thanks ladies!

  89. Michele says:

    Please pick me – I have twins!

  90. Erin Pascarella says:

    Can you use these with the subscribe and save? I have tried to add a coupon code but when I ask for another shipment it just automatically checks me out. If I add to my cart, the 30% discount is not there so it would be more than with the coupon code. Anyone been able to figure that out?

  91. Catherine says:

    Would love to win a code! Thank you so much for the chance! 🙂

  92. Alyson says:

    Here’s my entry! Thanks!

  93. Carrie T says:

    could use! thanks! 🙂

  94. Jen says:

    Would love to have one of those! Would really help with the diapers!

  95. Carla says:

    I have 15 month old twins and we go through an average of 12 diapers/day. I live by Amazon’s subscribe and save (and free delivery) of Pampers Baby Dry and Huggies Overnights. I subscribe to LRC via RSS and Facebook! 🙂

  96. Monica G says:

    I am always looking for a bargain. Good luck to everyone.


  97. HEATHER MINTON says:

    stubborn 3 year old trying to potty train and need pull ups

  98. Yeva says:

    Thank you.

  99. Danielle says:

    I love Amazon! Just bought diapers the other day at Walmart but i’d love to get them for cheap at Amazon!!

  100. Kathleen says:

    I’d love to win one of those codes! Thanks for everything!

  101. Rebecca says:

    I have twin girls in diapers! I would love to win this!

  102. Diane says:

    I can always use another amazon diaper code! Thanks!

  103. Wendy says:

    Would love to win the diaper code my neice just had her baby Dec 18 she was 2 month early and she just brought her home from being in the hospital for a month she had no baby shower so we are sending items she will need now and diapers are definantly on that list. Would love to win that code

  104. danae says:

    I hope amazon keeps these codes coming – thanks for sharing your extras!

  105. jasmina says:

    you can never have too many diapers!! I hope I win!

  106. Amy says:

    Oh man I love these codes. Little Bit blows through diapers like nobodies business, snicker ;D

    laprochaine at gmail dot com

  107. Carrie says:

    I feel like I am constantly buying diapers, 20% off would be great!

  108. O.D.B says:

    OooooH ! Pick me! Pick me!
    That would be such a great help 🙂

  109. Paige says:

    Please enter me to win the code giveaway…I have two in diapers! Thanks!

  110. Cheryl says:

    We call my grandson the “Poopinator”! 20% off would be great!

  111. sandy says:

    my grandson needs more diapers

  112. violet says: me…please pick me

  113. With six special needs children and two in diapers I am always looking for diaper coupons. Every little bit helps!!!

  114. Virginia says:

    It’s amazing how fast my little peanut goes through diapers. We could always use more!!

  115. Christine says:

    My friend at work and I love these coupon codes – always looking for cheap diapers

  116. Veronica J says:

    I could use this. I’ll be needing to pick up some diapers soon!

  117. Ashley R says:

    I was just about to order diapers but I think I will wait until tomorrow!!!! 🙂

  118. April R. says:

    Would love to win one! Thanks for the chance!

  119. Amy says:

    Would love to win! We use Amazon for their great Amazon Mom diaper prices – 20% more would be excellent!

  120. Keri says:

    Please enter me. We use tons of diapers and definetly could make good use of this code! Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  121. jen says:

    Babies are so expensive! Any savings would really be appreciated!

  122. Jeanne says:

    I’ve been ordering diapers from amazonmom with the subscription. I can’t find diapers any cheaper!

  123. Crystal says:

    Thanks for the chance to win – you can never have too many diapers!

  124. Tina says:

    Having a girl in 2 weeks! So excited! Trying to find diapers at awesome prices. Thank you lots for your generosity!

  125. Tracy says:

    Thanks for passing the savings along! I have 1 in diapers, 1 in pull-ups at night and a new baby on the way! We need all the diaper coupons we can find 🙂

  126. Dan says:

    We use alot of diapers!! Thanks for giving away the codes you can’t use! We appreciate it!

  127. JoAnne Armstrong says:

    I would love some diapers. Please pick me. My Jake needs some size 4. Pick me. Thank you

  128. Kandi says:

    My one-year-old needs those. Thanks for the offer

  129. Pat says:

    Hi, wanting to buy for my great niece!!! Thanks for considering me as one of the winners!

  130. Amanda says:

    I could use the code. Have a 1 and 3-year-old. Also another one on the way!

  131. Natasha Ferroni says:

    Would love to win this coupon!

  132. Caroline says:

    Cool, I love this giveaway! I’m a new foster parent stocking up on all the baby essentials so coupon codes for some diapers would be awesome!

  133. Veronica says:

    I would love to win a code! Thanks!

  134. Anna says:

    I had twin boys in October and would love to win this. Thanks!

  135. Ali says:

    We would love to swin. Amazon is great for diapers!

  136. Megan Kopko says:

    That is so nice of you to help someone else out.

  137. tiffany W says:

    It would be great to win a code! Diapers, Diapers, Diapers! Always need them!!! Thanks!

  138. Sydney says:

    I have a beautiful baby girl and I would appreciate winning a code!!!!

  139. Victor says:

    I am a daddy who would like a coupon code for diapers!!!!

  140. Jamie says:

    I LOVE that you are giving these away! Thank you!

  141. Reba says:

    This would be awesome to win. Thx.

  142. elsee says:

    would be great to win!!!!!!!!

  143. AJ says:

    My wife is due Feb 10 – this would be a nice bonus…

  144. Brittney H says:

    I have two children in diapers, I am a stay at home mom and my husband is outta work. I would love to save on the diapers we need! Thanks 🙂

  145. Darlene Arnold says:

    My daughter just had a baby 4 weeks ago. This code would come in very handy.

  146. Tailai Hu says:

    Thanks for the giveaway! Hope I can win.

  147. Kayla says:

    Would love to have a code!!!

  148. Kelly says:

    I would love this diaper coupon!

  149. suri says:

    this amazon coupon really helps us save money with our babys needs.

  150. Emily says:

    Please pick me

  151. marisa says:

    I would use a code 🙂

  152. Jodi says:

    Could really use a coupon with 2 in diapers!

Comments are closed.