Pathmark: General Mills Catalina Deal = Money Maker

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There is a great General Mills Catalina starting tomorrow at Pathmark.  So good, that I wanted to put up a post just for it.  I haven’t seen a great catalina like this at Pathmark for a while so it was a nice surprise.

Now remember:

Most Catalinas are based on the shelf price of the item when calculating the price. Please be sure to check your shelf prices as they may vary from the ones listed here. The deals shown are only suggestions to get you started. These deals have not been confirmed so you may want to check back in the comments to see if anyone has been successful doing them.

This catalina is a Buy $30 Get an $8 catalina.  Here are the items with coupon match ups as well as an awesome deal idea at the bottom.  I’m keeping my fingers crossed that this one runs smoothly.


NOTE: If  your catalinas do not print, the best thing to do is to contact Catalina Marketing.  Their info is: 1-888-826-8766 or via email [email protected].