Reader Shopping Trip: An “Extreme” Donation

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Reader Christine calls her shopping trips with coupons and cats a “treasure hunt”.  Look at all that she donated for less than $5 out of pocket!

I just wanted to say thanks for your web site. Between your matchups and the great sharing between us all, this has been a godsend for us. I have been donating a “super stockpile” donation to my local office on aging food pantry every 2-4 months. This one in particular was just super extreme so I wanted to share.

So the last 30 days have been Craa-aaazy with deals! Guessing the “lull” of the holiday supermarket super sales means the stores were eager to get us out in full swing!

I was able to collect the following to donate in about 30 days (there are 2 pics- the pic with all the items neatly laid out was BEFORE the second big SR free pasta week that we had so there was a LOT more that I just didn’t have the energy to un-bag. The second pic is of my donation cart yesterday to my local office on aging food pantry with all the items I collected).


125 boxes of pasta-FREE
16 jars applesauce-FREE after $ day rewards (and MMs to boot!-I love free, but extra $ is EVEN BETTER–and I can donate the products too!)
10 boxes oatmeal-FREE after Quaker cats (and coupons)
4 bottles laundry detergent and fabric softner -FREE after Cats (this was from my stockplie from the summer-there were excellent deals on this and the fabric softner and I believe the Fabric Softner was what produced Cats from P&G in the summer… all I know is, it didn’t cost me anything except my time 🙂 )
12 boxes carbona color grabbers-FREE
20 bottles shampoo-FREE with cats that rolled (between P&G and/or store cats)
4 boxes cereal-FREE with cats
24 disposable razor bags-FREE
4 shaving cream-FREE
2 bottles olive oil-FREE
3 jars peanut butter (which I had to remove due to the skippy recall…)-this cost me about $2
8 canisters of grits-FREE after Quaker cats and coupons
8 pkgs Rice-FREE
4 Fantastik Cleaners-FREE after cats
*3 boxes cat food (which was donated to the local animal shelter)FREE after Purina cats

All in all, I didn’t pay more than $5 for everything! (And those cats I earned I used for stuff for our home so it was getting twice the stuff and even “making money” by carrying the product out of the store!)

Gotta love coupons and love it even more when stores/manufacturers want you to carry the items out for FREE!!! Shopping like this is what I call “treasure hunting” because I feel like its finding a lot of loot on the X on the map (that you write up for us each week!)

ARRGGGHH Mateys! Onto the next super haul 😉

If you are looking for a Food Bank or Shelter to donate to, make sure to check out the Couponing For a Cause list.

If you have a shopping trip you want to share, find out how to enter it into the $100 Store Gift Card Giveaway.