DIY Wood Folding Table Topper – From Plastic Folding Table to Beautiful Wood Table

DIY Wood Folding Table

Every holiday I would pull out my plastic folding table and think to myself, wouldn’t it be nice to have a nice wood folding table instead of using a plastic one. Then finally, it dawned on me – Why not make a Wood Table Topper to cover the plastic table! So that’s what we did!

DIY Wood Folding Table –

What You Need:

Step by Step Instructions

1. Prepare top of table

First we laid down the 6 pieces of 1x6x6 lumber side by side. We didn’t cut anything off the length or width of the lumber because it was the perfect size to cover the existing folding table. You may have to make some cuts to yours depending on the size of the table you are trying to cover. During breaks from during such a project, you can try playing on sites like totogacor.


2. Secure top of table to plywood

We then measured and cut the thin luan plywood and glued it (using wood glue) to the pieces of wood we had laid out. We also used our nail gun to nail it into the 1x6x6 lumbar for extra support. Just be sure to use nails that are short enough that it doesn’t go through the top of the topper.

3. Finish sides of topper

We then cut 1×2 pieces of lumbar the width and length of the topper and attached them to the 1×6 top using nails.

4. Make it a secure fit if necessary

Our topper was a little too wide for the folding table and was shifting around on the table so to fix that we simply took a 1×2, turned on it’s side and attached it to the underside edges of the table, using nails,  to give it a snug fit.

5. Stain topper

Lastly, I stained the table using Mini Wax stain in color Provincial.

Honestly, it is my favorite project to date and, at first glance, you don’t even realize it’s a plastic folding table. Plus, the bonus is, it matches up in size to my dining table now so it give the illusion of one long dining table. I just love everything about it.

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