Everything You Need to Know About Couponing & Living Rich with Coupons!

We have absolutely noticed the Grocery Price Hike of 2022 at this point! We’ve all been saying to ourselves – how do we save money on our groceries! It’s time to buckle down, rebuild our stockpiles and slowly start seeing our budget get lower and lower!

We’re not talking extreme couponing here – we’re talking couponing as extreme as your family needs!

We’re here to push you in the right direction – whether you took a break or you want to get started!

How Do I Coupon – 4 Easy Steps

This could be just a quick refresher for you or are couponing for a beginner! Lucky for you we have an entire Beginners Section of Living Rich with Coupons!

I’ll outline the basics for you on this page – but you’ll want to take a look at our 4 Easy Steps to Couponing Page for more information!

1. Where do I get my coupons?

  • Inserts in your weekly paper – these are inserts that vary each week in your Sunday paper. Inserts are from Smart Source, Retailmenot and/or P&G. Find out which inserts are coming weekly in the Sunday Coupon Preview!
  • Printable Coupon – check out our list of all the top printable coupons sources
  • Catalina Printouts – these are coupons that print at your store after checkout. We have a list of all the Catalina Deals out there!
  • eCoupons – These are becoming more and more popular. eCoupons are coupons that load onto your store loyalty card or your smart phone. They are deducted at the register when you make a qualifying purchase.
  • RebatesIbotta, Checkout51 & Fetch

Search our updated daily  Coupon Database for any coupon you want or need!

2. When do I use my coupons?

Clipping and Using Coupons is only the 1st step! Our #1 tip is to WAIT FOR A SALE! Hang onto those coupons until the item goes on sale at a low price! We actually tell you when items are on sale and what coupons go wtih the sale items! Check out our Coupon Matchups and choose the store you shop at! You’ll see all the sales and coupons for the Best Couponing Deals for the week!

3. How to use Coupons

You should know how your store that you shop at uses coupons by checking their coupon policy! Do they double coupons? Do they stack store coupons? Do they take competitors coupons? Learn More about that here.

4. Stock Up!

Stocking up on sale items is a very important part of getting the most savings at the grocery store. It gives you control of what you are paying for your groceries instead of the store having control of your prices. Stocking up does not mean turning your house into a mini market but it does mean having a stock of items that will last your family about 3-6 months. A typical stockpile will consist of products that can be stored on 3-4 shelves. That’s all you need. Find out how long certain products last on the shelf!

Using LivingRichwithCoupons.com to Make Couponing Easier

Store Coupon MatchUps to make Couponing Easy

Now that you know the basics of couponing (yes it’s that easy) – we make it even easier for you! We type the weekly coupon ad up and match all of the coupons that are available for the sale items in the ad! Yes – we do ALL of the hard work for you so you can have FUN building your stockpile!

Store Coupon Match Ups are listed here!

Key Points:

  • Each store has their own My Store Page where we have a tab for match ups, latest deals, coupon policies and any other information you’ll need
  • you can chat about deals with all of the LRWC followers in the comments!
  • Share your deal ideas in the comments of our posts and match ups! We love it!
  • you’ll NEVER miss a deal

Daily Couponing Deals

Every day we share the Best Couponing Deals for the week. Not only do we have weekly deals listed above – but each day we post the best couponing deals of the day and we find hidden gems! That includes a ton of online deals too!

Catalina Deals

These are just an amazing extra way to save! We explain all about them here!

We always have a list of the most current catalina deals ready for you over here! Don’t forget to let us know if you get one!

How to Read a Deal Idea on our Match Ups

What is a deal idea? A Deal Idea is sale items + coupons available + rebates + any other form of saving, put together for you to form the best deal possible!

We get this question a lot! Here are 2 examples:

For this deal we have all of the coupons you could use listed so you can choose what you want to buy. Underneath that we pull out the BEST possible deal and deal you exactly what to use! In this case your buying 4 BIc Razors and using 4 $3/1 coupon and paying $7.69. Then you are claiming a 4 $3/1 Ibotta making them item free! Just because we list all of those coupons doesn’t mean you use all of those coupons!

Here is another way we list a deal There are 2 coupons availabe for these products! We take the best possible coupon and show you the final price with that coupon! You don’t use all of the coupons we list.

Create a Printable Shopping Trip

If that wasn’t easy enough – we have a way for you to create a print list to bring to the store with you – you can e-mail it or print it! See those check boxes next to the deals from the match ups? Check those and they will create a list for you in the top right corner! Print coupons or see which coupons you should clip right from there!

If you create an account with us (free and easy), you can make multiple lists and save them! So if you see a deal for next week you can start next weeks list or make lists for different stores!

We Have a Grocery Price Comparison Tool (GPC)

Have you ever just wanted to know what the best price was for 1 item you need is? We have a place for you to do that! It’s our Grocery Price Comparison Tool!

  1. Search for a product your looking for
  2. Deals at all of the stores with that product on sale will come up
  3. choose which store you want to buy it at!
  4. EASY!

Coupon Database

Literally Every Single Coupon in the Whole World is in our coupon database (at least we think so.)

Shopping Trips

We love posting shopping trips that we do to show you how we like to shop! We also LOVE to see your shopping trips! Send us a trip you did recently to [email protected] with subject line Shopping Trip! Make sure to include a picture and a list of items and coupons you used!

Got Coupons?

Did you know you can e-mail companies if you use their products a lot?! They MIGHT send you some coupons! Here’s a list we put together!

Some Extras you’ll want!

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