About LRWC
Living Rich With Coupons is your one stop source for savings & deals.
Cindy Livesey is your guide to finding the best deals you never knew existed. Her family has saved over $11,000 a year in groceries.
After 34 years of marriage, multiple school tuitions, sports travel and much more, Cindy and her husband decided to become 100% debt free. You can follow their journey as she provides insight into how to continue to Live Rich while cutting costs and saving money. And yes, you can still have that designer pocketbook and be on a budget. I mean really, a girls gotta have a nice purse right? Well stick around while we find deal after deal, even on designer pocketbooks.
Cindy Livesey
Editor, Founder, Chief-in-Charge. Speaker of all things coupons
Interests: Couponing, Sewing, Frugal Living, Saving Money, Family, Sunday Dinners
Start your journey on Living Rich With Coupons with Cindy’s beginner series where you can save at the grocery store like a pro. And stay tuned here everyday to find the best handpicked deals out there. You won’t want to miss a thing.
Cindy resides in NJ with her husband Pat and her dog Cooper. Her 3 grown kids, their significant others and her granddaughter Mia, are a constant presence in their home often arriving for overnight stays, weekend visits or just for their weekly Family Sunday Dinner.