New $1/1 Skinny Cow Ice Cream Coupon + Deals

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New Skinny Cow Ice Cream Coupon

There is a new Skinny Cow Ice Cream Coupon available.  The coupon is for $1 off any Skinny cow Low Fat Ice Cream Product.  In order to print your coupon, you will have to write a Resolution on the Skinny Cow Resolution Wall.  Once you do, look to the upper left for the link to print your coupon.  You do not have to have it post to your facebook wall.  I didn’t and I was still able to print the coupon.

Print: Skinny Cow Ice Cream Coupon


Now, there is a great deal I had posted for Lean Cuisine and Skinny Cow at ShopRite.  The deal involved the purchase of both products.  However, if you didn’t want to do the Lean Cuisine deal, you can do the Skinny Cow deal with these new coupons.


The Skinny Cow Ice Creams are part of the Buy $20 Get $5 Nestle Deal this week at CVS.  They are price at $4 each.

Here are your deals:


Make sure to check out the rest of the ShopRite Deals for this week including the Lean Cuisine/Skinny Cow Deal.  And the CVS Deals for this week.

Thanks Kaitlyn!

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