Why Bloggers Love CVS!

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Why Bloggers Love CVS

Last week I had the opportunity to attend the BlogHer conference in New York.  The conference is a 3 days conference for bloggers of all kinds.  It’s an opportunity to attend workshops, visit the expo filled with hundreds of brands and to network with other bloggers.

Most of you know that I had the opportunity last year and this year to visit the CVS/Pharmacy corporate offices in Rhode Island.  It’s a great opportunity for me to meet top level executives and find out some of the great new features and products that they are working on.  And, the one thing I love, is that CVS truly wants to hear how they can improve on their coupon deals, policies and in any other way that would make CVS your one stop store for deals.

Their love for working with deal bloggers is the number one reason that I was happy to spread the word at BlogHer about CVS.  Through chatting with fellow bloggers, visiting the CVS Minute Clinic booth and tweeting, I was helping to spread the word that, yes, CVS Loves Bloggers and Bloggers Love CVS.

Here are some things that bloggers have said about CVS:

” I can really stretch my dollars with their sales and extra bucks”
~Shellie from Saving with Shellie

“We love the ECB deals and the pharmacy at CVS”
~Paul from I Heart the Mart

“Because I can roll my ECBs to buy more products that I need at CVS and keep my out of pocket low!”
-Heather from Passion for Savings

If you are a blogger, of any kind (does not just have to be deal bloggers), and you love CVS be sure to tweet #BloggersLoveCVS and let them know what you love about CVS for a chance to win a gift card.

Thanks CVS/Pharmacy, as always, for working with me and the many other bloggers.  It truly shows how much you care about your customers.