Catalina Deal Equation Sheets
What I love about having this site is the awesome readers that go the extra mile to help others. And, if you have been around here for a while, you know that reader Laura D is a constant and very welcome presence here on the site. We love and appreciate all her helps and tips as I’m sure you guys do too.
Well, she sent me an email today sharing her tips to make some of the more complicated catalina deals a bit easier to work out. Laura shared the process that she has used for years.
Here is what Laura D had to say:
I thought this would be great for your readers, especially newer people who haven’t quite grasped the whole Catalina concept. I’ve been using it for a few years now. It makes it very easy to use while in the store and having to adjust a deal scenario.
Lastly she stated:
When I have my deal ideas all complete, I paperclip my coupons directly to the sheet and put it with my LRWC printed Shopping List, so I am ready for action!
So without further ado, here are the sheets so kindly provided by Laura D:
Big thanks to Laura D!