Poise Pads Over 60% Off at Big Y!

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Poise Coupon

Get Poise Pads for over 60% offat Big Y!  through 10/14, Big Y has select poise pads on sale $5.29 per pack.  This high value $3/1 Poise Padscoupo from 8/30 Smartsource insert makes them only $2.59 per pack.

Screen Shot 2015-09-08 at 11.12.41 AMIf you don’t have this insert coupon available, there is also this $2/1 Poise Hourglass Shape Pads printable coupon at hand.

Here is your deal at Big Y through 10/14/15:

Be sure to check out the rest of the Big Y Deals for the week before you shop.