Cindy Is Getting Rid of Her Entire Stockpile & Coupons! Find Out Why!

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LRWC Zero to Stockpile

LRWC Zero to Stockpile

If you follow us on the LRWC Facebook page or follow me on my Instagram account, you probably already heard the big big news.

If you haven’t, I’m here, right now, to tell it to you. And, it’s BIG!

On January 4th, 2018, a date that will go down in LRWC history, I will be donating my ENTIRE stockpile! I’ll wait as you reread that last sentence because, I know, it’s a lot to take in. I’m still coming to grips with it. {insert big gulping sound}

Along with purging my entire stockpile, I will be emptying out my entire freezer AND, wait for it….getting rid of all my coupons and store rewards.

Now before you panic, I’m NOT going to stop couponing and I’m not shutting down this website. Good thing I told you that now, right?! You were getting nervous.

What I am doing, is starting over! 100% over. From Zero!

Why am I doing it? Great question. One that I answered in detail here. But, I’ll share some of it right now

Over the years, I came to realize that, those that didn’t catch onto how to truly save on their grocery shopping, didn’t quite understand the importance of a stockpile and how it effects your savings in the long run.

Too many times, I was faced with comments about my shopping trips. Wondering how I could feed my family on the items I was buying each week. It’s confusing I know!

Because I was faced with those questions and comments so often, I decided that I would show you first hand, from scratch, how it’s done and how the stockpile becomes an incredible tool to your savings.

That is when the Zero to Stockpile Challenge was born!

We now have a full Zero to Stockpile page, with tons of information about why, how and when this will take place including a cool giveaway you can participate in.

I’m nervous to lose my stockpile. For the last ten years, I relied on my stockpile to save  me tens of thousands of dollars. But, with the nerves, comes excitement for you to follow me on this journey and watch my grocery spending go up (I need more money in my budget if I don’t have a stockpile) and then go back down again as I rebuild my stockpile.

Here is a brief overview of the next steps. But as I said above, you can view all the details on the Zero to Stockpile Challenge page.

From now through January 3rd: Packing up the stockpile and using up items in my freezer!

Thursday, January 4th: I’ll be making a huge donation to Lunch Break NJ which is located in Red Bank, NJ

Sunday, January 7th: Four inserts are coming (woohoo) which will be the first week that I start officially going from Zero to Stockpile.

I hope you will join me in this challenge in 2018! You in?