Should You Buy It Just Because It’s Free?

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Should You Buy It Just Because It’s Free?

Do you ever pick up products that you don’t necessarily like or need but still “bought” it because it was free?  Have you asked yourself if you should “buy” it even though you don’t like it or think you won’t use it.  This is where I challenge you to think outside of the box.  Consider other uses for the product.  Maybe you can use it in a recipe.

This happened recently for me with the Planters Nutrition Peanut Butter at Dollar Tree.  I have tried the Cinnamon Raisin flavor of the Planter’s Nutrition Peanut Butter but it wasn’t until I picked it up for $0.25 at Dollar Tree with that great $0.75 off one PLANTERS NUT-rition Peanut Butter coupon (NLA) that I tried the banana flavor (the only flavor they seem to sell at Dollar Tree) and honestly I’m not a fan of it straight from the jar.  I’m trying to find new ways to make use of this product.  I’ve been using it on top of my bananas and it’s not bad that way but I also think I’m going to try using it to make cookies!  Don’t these Peanut Butter Cookies with Planter’s Nutrition Peanut Butter look great?  I’m sure the banana flavor with work well in these cookies and I will have a solution to my dilemma with not liking a cheap product I got with coupons!

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Photo Credit:

If you’re interested in making these cookies like me, head on over to LittleBittyBakes for the recipe!

Another example of this “dilemma” is the Free Diet Pepsi we picked up recently with that great $0.50/1 Diet Pepsi Coupon (NLA).  We don’t drink Diet Pepsi in this house, however I’d use it for something like the Chocolate Diet Pepsi Cupcakes Recipe we posted last week!

So, when you are trying to make a decision to buy some free or super cheap products, remember, think outside the box.  Maybe you can make a new dessert or a fun new dinner for the family.  Of course, I always recommend donating products to food banks but this is just another way to make use of free products you may not use or like.

Have you come up with a creative way to use a product your family does not really like?

If you are new to couponing, you may want to check out the Couponing for Beginners section where you will find a lot of answers to your questions.